News Letter

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YL Philippines Among Abing

To all our dear friends and supporters,

We all live in a world that’s filled to the brim with social media platforms. From Facebook, to Twitter X, to Instagram, to Tiktok, one could definitely say that if there’s one place most of today’s youth would be found together, it’s online.

In order to stay true to our mission to reach out to every kid, Young Life Philippines is one of many Young Life ministries that have been quite active on Social Media, and we would like for you to connect with us!

Yep, you heard that right. YL Philippines is live and alive on several social media platforms:




If you are active in any of these apps/sites, we urge you to subscribe/follow our account and be updated with what’s going on. We try to post as often as we can, but we also make sure we connect with the kids we meet on these sites regularly. Who would’ve thought contact work would eventually include the internet?

With that being said, we also ask you to pray that the ministry’s presence in these sites would help draw kids away from the multitude of harmful content found online. It is undeniable that the internet is a powerful tool for communication and information collection, but it has also morphed into one of the biggest hindrances for kids getting an honest introduction to Jesus Christ. One quick look at what’s trending is enough to convince you of that.

So we urge you, our friends, to help us in our battle for the youth’s attention online. It’s a big war, but it’s one we must wage if we aim to reach out to every Filipino kid out there.

Visit our social media accounts, share powerful messages on your own, and pray that every kid everywhere receives the right message, at the right time.


From all of us,

Your Young Life Philippines Family

Abiding with JC

by: Will Byard


John 15:5,7

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”


The apostle John wrote this scripture 60 years after Jesus’s resurrection when most Jews were questioning the new Christians that they were following a false Messiah. John wrote this in response to these allegations because they (the disciples) have evidence that Jesus was and is the Messiah.

As John was among those in the inner circle, he saw Jesus work firsthand. He had a faith built on a relationship with Jesus. If you know the other gospels, John was the last book to have been written. John was the only apostle to die of old age (about 90-95 AD), and this was his last writings.

So that’s a little bit about John, now let's read some of his books:

Read John 15:1–4

Who here does a little gardening? If you’re pruning a hedge or vine, you’ll notice that it starts somewhere. It all leads back to the main roots. Like John was saying in verses 1 to 4, we need to remain in the Father, and if we do, we will bear fruit. If we don’t, we’ll bear no fruit.

Only God can prune us; he is our gardener and he knows where to prune us. No one said it’ll be easy, but it will be rewarding.

Read John 15:5–8

Let's unpack this: If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.

Jesus emphasizes the importance of staying connected to him. Just as branches draw their sustenance from the vine, we, as Jesus' disciples, are encouraged to stay closely united with him. By doing so, we will bear the fruit of righteousness and good works.

This part of the passage encourages us to maintain a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus, abiding in his teachings and relying on him for spiritual sustenance. Through this connection, we can bear the fruit of a transformed life and fulfill our purpose as his followers.

Read John 15:9–15

If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.

Jesus states that remaining in his love is directly connected to keeping his commandments. He models his own relationship with the Father, in whom he remained by obeying His commands.

Similarly, Jesus' disciples are encouraged to abide in his love through obedience. In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the importance of our relationship—remaining in his love through obedience, loving one another selflessly, and experiencing the joy that comes with abiding in him. We see this in Jesus in the way that he establishes a deep connection/ relationship with his disciples, calling them friends and sharing wisdom with them.

Read John 15:16–17

Jesus reminds his disciples that their relationship with him is not a result of their own choosing but because he has chosen and appointed them. He has a purpose for them, which is to bear lasting fruit. Additionally, Jesus assures them that whatever they ask in his name, the Father will grant them, highlighting the power and authority granted to his followers, out of his immense love for them.

This is my command: Love each other.

In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the divine initiative in selecting and appointing his disciples. He assigns them the task of bearing lasting fruit, which could be understood as producing good works, spreading the message of the Gospel, and making a lasting impact in the world. Jesus also assures them of the effectiveness of prayer in his name and reinforces the commandment to love one another, understanding the significance of love in the Christian life.

So I hope with this devotional, you have an idea of some branches within your life you’ll need to get pruned through allowing our loving God to refine you, like a gardener does.

God has been pruning me these last five years, too. For those who knew me back then I was a different young Man. God helped me through it all. From calling off my engagement, to the drama in a prank that went very wrong, to getting baptized in 2021, and to helping me get my house. God is our most loved maker and he wants us to be the best versions of ourselves.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Let us thank you for pruning us in ways we wouldn’t think of doing. Help us bear good fruit that will last so we, too, can help others bear good fruit and build strong followers of Christ.



Booster Camp

YL Western Negros

November 18 to 19

Journey Camp

YL Bacolod Southsyd

April 29 to 30

*if you have any inquiries regarding any of the events below, just click on the organizing area to send an email to the staff-in-charge.

Brenda Arra “Ate Arrah” Hernandez | Oct 30 | Area Director, YL Bacolod Northsyd

Christian Baguio | Nov 01 | Volunteer Leader, YL Cebu-North

Jojie Marie Y. Tura | Nov 01 | Volunteer Staff, YL Cordova

Rebecca Solano | Nov 02 | Volunteer Leader, YL Cebu-Highland

Cristine Lubiano | Nov 05 | Volunteer Leader, YL Palompon


Passing grades, peace and harmony in the family, guidance, wisdom and strength especially with life’s challenges, and for my upcoming Midterm Exams.


Please pray for guidance.


Please pray for my mother’s health and for everyone’s. Also, please pray that I would be completely healed, and that I would get passing marks in my exams.


My mom Gigi and aunt Elgean as they work in Hong Kong, healing for Sean from pneumonia, and for a stronger between me, my aunts, and my grandmother.


That I would be healed from my cough and colds, for everyone’s safety, and for this midterms week.


Guidance in my upcoming exams this week, good health for my family, and for a peaceful life, full of love.


Please pray that I would be able to remember what I studied for my midterm exams, for good grades, and for peace between Israel and Palestine.


Good health for my family always, for my Personal Development exam scores, and for strength and wisdom from the Lord.


That I would pass my upcoming exams.


Please pray for wisdom and guidance for all students with upcoming exams, for good health towards everyone, and for peace during this election season.


That I would pass all my exams, and for everyone with ailments to be healed completely.


For good grades in my classes, for my family’s health, and for safety.


Good health and safety for my loved ones, guidance and safety for my review, and that I would be able to successfully pass my upcoming board exam.


Please pray for my wife Maimai’s myoma operation. It will be on October 11. Also, please pray for my personal health condition (arthritis).  


Please pray for my family’s health, or them to continuously be guided and protected by the Lord, and for us to have strong and consistent communication always. Please also pray for me as I prepare to take my Licensure exam this January 2024.


Please pray for the safety and health of my family, that I would be able to get a job, and that I would be able to pass the board exam.


Please pray for the fast recovery of my brother Lyndon, as he got into an accident and had broken a finger. Also, please pray that we our salary would be released soon, and that my family would continue to be safe.


Please pray for peace of mind and for the safety of my kids.


Hopefully, Lord-willing, we would be able to have a baby this year.

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