News Letter

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YL Philippines Among Abing

To all our dear friends and supporters,

Another year has begun, and with that, another year full of ministry has kicked off! Our staff and volunteers are now gearing up for 12 months of meeting kids where they are, forming sincere relationships with them, and prayerfully introducing them to the wonderful person of Jesus Christ.

So this week, our message is short and sweet: please pray for all the ministry work that have been planned and are going to take place throughout 2024. Our leaders need all the spiritual support they can get!

Sure, Young Life activities are crazy fun and special, but a lot of effort goes into making every one of them as meaningful for each and every kid that attends them. So we ask that you help us pray for guidance, wisdom, strength, and grit for every single leader and staff member out there. A little support goes a long way!

Also, for those of you who are part of the work Young Life does in our areas, please know that we are praying for you. The Lord is mighty pleased with your commitment and your heart for kids is life-changing for every single club-goer, campaigner, and contact that has the pleasure of meeting you.

Mabuhay, mga leaders and Lahutay!

From all of us,

Your Young Life Philippines Family

Ask, Seek, Knock

by: Noel Yasi


Luke 11:9-10

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."


If we take a careful look at what Jesus is saying in this passage, we will interestingly notice that the initial letters spell the word ASK (Ask, Seek, Knock). He is simply telling us that the formula for prayer is simply to ask.

Ask. What He means is that certain needs require a mere asking to be immediately met. If we need love, courage, wisdom, power, and patience, they all lie in this realm. Simply ask, and the answer will be given. The apostle James wrote, “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God...” (James 1:5). Let him ask and it shall be given.

Seek.  Seeking is not a simple act. It is a process; a series of acts. Jesus says there are areas in life that require more than asking; there must be seeking and searching. When something is lost or hidden from us, prayer then becomes a search—a plea for insight and understanding, for resolving a dilemma. Again, the answer is certain. Seek, and you will find!

Knock. A knock is a request for admittance, repeated if necessary, and it suggests situations where we seek entrance or an opportunity. Someone has perhaps built a barrier against us or our friendship and we are seeking to surmount that, get behind the wall of resistance, and have an opportunity to freely and openly speak, share, or enter a life. That requires knocking

Perhaps we have an unshakable desire to begin a certain type of work or ministry from which we are now excluded. We long to move into that area, we feel God leading and calling us to be this or do that. That requires knocking. We are looking for an opportunity, seeking an entrance into an area that is restricted from us. We come before God boldly and repeatedly asking, for we are resting on the solid assurance that Jesus is reminding us once again to knock, and it shall be opened.



Thank you for reminding me once again, that each time I come before you in prayer, all I need to do is ask. I also need to seek, so I may see where you are leading me.  But in everything else, I need to knock and wait, knowing that when life gets tough, we are assured that our knocking will be answered.




Please pray for my cousin Marilou, she has been through anxiety and depression for quite a while now. Please pray for peace of mind, wisdom, and emotional healing.

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